Home Sweet Home Life and Stuff What's Cooking?

Thoughts & plans

I feel a sudden push to make sourdough & kefir & kombucha. I miss the “elephant ears” we used to eat when I was a kid in Alaska – huge fried wedges of sourdough, drizzled with honey. It makes me sigh just thinking about how good they were.

We are also working on plans for the gardens. Perhaps some asparagus? And we’re talking about putting in another 40 apple trees. Last year’s location isn’t going to work; we’re afraid of the chemicals they’re spraying on the new cornfield next door, so we need to move our beds somewhere in the back yard.

Oh, and now that it is finally spring & the chickens can go outside, I expect we’ll be back up to about 7 eggs/day. So I need to come up with some good ways to use them up.

By Rachel

2018 word of the year: ABUNDANCE

When she's not busy making websites, Rachel likes to hang out with her family and all their critters (3 dogs, 3 cats, 11-ish goats, 1 sheep, and a gazillion chickens).