Life and Stuff


I am rest-less. Weary. Lacking rest.

I want to become rest-full.

This is not an easy task, when you take into account work, kids, animals, home, freelance biz, gardens, etc.


It really sucks to start the week feeling exhausted, though. Yesterday I tried to take a nap & immediately got plunged back into kid-duty. And then by bedtime I had missed the golden sleep window & was unable to fall asleep until nearly 1am. Woke early to blinding sun shining in my eyes and the roosters crowing.

Coffee is not going to sustain me much longer.

How can I find rest?

By Rachel

2018 word of the year: ABUNDANCE

When she's not busy making websites, Rachel likes to hang out with her family and all their critters (3 dogs, 3 cats, 11-ish goats, 1 sheep, and a gazillion chickens).