Life and Stuff


It’s a chick!

It is raining, a soaking, pounding rain that dances on the deck and turns the yard into a series of small ponds. Thunder rumbles, shaking the house. The giants must be bowling again. (What’s that, you ask? Growing up, my mom always told us that thunder was just the sound of sky giants bowling, the rumble of the ball rolling down the alley, the crash of pins falling.)

I am tired and restless. I wish I could go out into the yard to haul logs into neat piles or finally get those plants into the garden. But instead I am sitting on the sofa, staring out the window at the rain.

My confession of the day: Brigit (the oldest cat) puked all over the back of the sofa while I was in the bathroom. The idea of cleaning it up nearly made me puke, so I called the dog up onto the sofa & had him eat the cat puke. Then I washed the stain with a towel.


Kid #1 & her dad have gone off to the feed store to buy chicken feed & a waterer. We had a small waterer for the chicks we got last week, but then someone came home from a yardsale yesterday with 5 chickens in the back of our minivan. Ahem. And so now we need more food & a waterer & fixing up the coop to be usable has suddenly jumped to the top of the project list. I’m just hoping we start to get some eggs soon.

I am feeling a bit overwhelmed with the animals. We came here a year ago with 2 dogs and 1 cat. We now have 1 dog, 5 cats, 14 chickens, and another dog joining us later today.


A flash of lightning, and I instinctively start counting the seconds until I hear thunder. 3. And then I remember that I have no idea what that actually means. Hmm. 5 seconds = 1 mile away.

Rain. I am so glad we are not camping this weekend. I have had enough of rainy music festivals where the drums won’t stay tuned and nobody buys anything and I am busy chasing small children who love to jump in mud puddles and then complain that they’re cold, but there’s nowhere to warm up and so we shiver under a blanket and I desperately wish we could pack up and go home.

This seems like a perfect day to stay curled up on the couch with a book and a cup of coffee.

By Rachel

2018 word of the year: ABUNDANCE

When she's not busy making websites, Rachel likes to hang out with her family and all their critters (3 dogs, 3 cats, 11-ish goats, 1 sheep, and a gazillion chickens).