The Bookshelf

Daughter of the God-King

Daughter of the God-King

Daughter of the God-King by Anne Cleeland

Rating: 4 stars

Regency romance, ancient Egypt, and mystery. What’s not to enjoy? I didn’t love it as much as Elizabeth Peters’ mysteries, but I definitely would read another in the series.

The Bookshelf

Spirit Play

Spirit Play by Barbara Ismail

Mak Chik Maryam mysteries #2

Rating; 3.5 stars

I was really enjoying this mystery, up until a very gruesome event occurred and was described in great detail. At that point, it stopped being an international cozy mystery & became something I enjoyed much less. I’ll still probably try finding the first book in the series to give it another shot. Overall it reminded me a lot of the No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series, with a plucky female detective, a rural international setting, and many glimpses of local color.

The Bookshelf

City of Jasmine

City of Jasmine

City of Jasmine by Deanna Raybourn

Rating: 4 stars

It’s a little later (1920s) than my usual historical romance preferences, but I enjoyed it. I like strong female characters & exotic locations.