The Bookshelf

The Deer in the Wood by Laura Ingalls Wilder

You know, I’m torn. I like the illustrations, but I don’t think this is the story I would have chosen to focus on.  I know a lot of families that would be disturbed by the focus on guns & hunting in the book. When I’m choosing picture books for my kids, I  don’t those to be the focus.
mom rating: [rating=3]

“That was a fun story.
what did you like best? “When the deer lived”
kid rating: [rating=3]

The Bookshelf

Ladybug Girl at the Beach by David Soman and Jacky Davis

I love this series of books! The pictures are wonderful and I love the way Lulu entertains herself & overcomes her fears. It rings very true to me.
mom rating: [rating=5]

What did you like best? “When she went in the water! Can we go to the beach?”
kid rating: [rating=5]

The Bookshelf

Nellie’s Knot by Ken Brown

Beautiful watercolor artwork and a silly story make this a fun read.
mom rating:  [rating=4]

“The best part is when she find out why she tied her trunk in a knot!”
kid rating: [rating=4]